Heal the body, mind and soul

Acupuncture 针
Acupuncture involves stimulating specific areas of the body by inserting very fine needles at specific points. According to the philosophy of Chinese medicine, vital energy, “Qi”, flows through energy channels called meridians. Qi balance is essential for maintaining health. Acupuncture aims to restore energy balance by stimulating specific points along the meridians. This stimulation regulates energy flow, relieves pain, improves organ function and promotes healing.
Guasha 刮痧
Guasha is a skin scraping method that is used to improve blood circulation, promote lymphatic drainage and relieve muscle tension. The term "guasha" literally translates to "scratch the disease" in Chinese. This rubbing creates a slight friction that stimulates blood flow beneath the skin's surface, often causing a temporary redness called "sha." These marks usually disappear within a few days.

Moxibustion 灸
Moxibustion involves burning mugwort (a medicinal plant called “moxa”) near certain acupuncture points. It is often used in conjunction with acupuncture. The heat produced during the burning of moxa is beneficial for warming and stimulating vital energy (Qi), promoting the circulation of energy and blood. This helps restore the body's energy balance.
Herbal medicines 草药
Herbal treatments are essential in the practice of TCM. Herbal medicines are used to restore the body's energy balance, often in combination with acupuncture, treating internal imbalances and promoting overall health. Chinese medicinal herbs are classified based on their energetic properties, such as cold, hot, warm or cool. These properties are used to balance Yin and Yang energies in the body and restore harmony.

Tuina 推拿
Tuina is a traditional Chinese massage technique that uses kneading, pressure, friction and stretching movements to relieve muscles, undo fascial knots, and stimulate the circulation of Qi (energy) and blood in the body. This massage is based on the theory of meridians and acupuncture points, with the overall goal being to balance the body's energy and promote health.
Auriculotherapy 耳穴疗法
Auriculotherapy focuses on stimulating specific points located on the outer ear to treat various medical conditions. This practice is based on the principle that specific points in the ear are linked to organs and systems of the body, thus forming a microsystem reflecting the entire body.

Cupping 拔罐
They are mainly used to improve the circulation of Qi (vital energy) and blood. The use of cupping provides several beneficial effects, such as improving blood and lymphatic circulation, eliminating toxins, and releasing muscle tension.